Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Evidence Based HR Practice

Questions: 1. Using at least two information sources from academic journals, explain what is meant by this term. Why is this important in HR practice? 2.Find any two internet written sources that you believe would be useful to Israel Tobin in persuading Mark French of the strategic value of the HR function in CERA? Answers: 1. Evidence-based HRM Evidence based management is a new trend in the field of human resources. The research says that there are large numbers of companies, both public and private, opting to have evidence based approach in their operations and add substantial value to the organization. It enables the team to accomplish the pre-defined goals of an organization (Caroll, 2015). Evidence based human resource practices is the procedure to recognize implement the HR practices and tactics which have a significant source of pragmatic support in order to achieve the expected results (Alhussain, 2014). One more definition to the Evidence based HR practice can be described as a particular style of working where the HR professionals makes decision by utilizing the best evidences, proficiency, capabilities standards to make the policies more effective. There are certain reasons and associated benefits as to why the companies are using evidence based human resource practices nowadays. The EBHRP enables manager to align the goals of human resource with the strategic vision of the firm and it enhances the HR credibility (N.A, 2012). Moreover, it is observed that it is similar to the research as it adopts more analytical approach to arrive on particular decision by studying the recent material, statistics, analytics and evidence. Furthermore, it has been observed that the evidence based practices have proved to be better and more accurate than intuitive response given by professionals (Briner R. , 2007). 2. Briefly Explain how each source might be used to support Israels pitch to Mark French and the CERA executive team Evidence based HR and HR function have become a vital partner in improving the companys bottom line. HR function helps in strategic decisions of the company by assessing the current and future staffing projections to ensure availability of future workforce requirements. HR function assists in the peoples components development and in controlling, monitoring, and evaluating progress (Siengthai Srinivasan). In order to influence and persuade Mark French (Task focused founding director and CEO of CERA) about the value that HR function brings strategically, Israel Tobin (Relationship focused HR manager in CERA, who has a business focused approach for HRM) can use the below mentioned sources as reference (, 2016): The first source draws our attention on the evidence based HRM practices. The article depicts the importance of evidence based information in the HRM practices to improve the operations globally for the organization on the basis of some empirical research findings. Various academic and organizational sources have been reviewed to show the strategic importance of evidence based HR function. The importance of HR function and the value realized due to strategic involvement of HR as a business partner can be showcased by Israel Tobin to CERA executive team and Mark French, who likes to get convinced with evidence before committing to anything and considers staff as only a resource pool to get the job done (Terpstra1 Limpaphayom2, 2012). The second source pulls all the attention towards HR functions influence on the firms performance. It shows the relationship value between the strategic HRM and the firms Performance on critical aspects, in line with an illustration of one of the Kenyas corporate organization. The article shows how HR function can facilitate the strategic growth of the organization by designing peoples policy along with sustained competitive growth. This article depicts about a quite conceptual framework developed, which explains the relationship between HR functions, competitive strategies firms performance which could be showcased to the CEO and founder Mark French by Israel Tobin (who advocates HR based initiatives) (Waiganjo, Mukulu, Kahiri, 2012). Using the CRAP test evaluates the two sources that you used above. CRAP test for Journal 1: Using Evidence-Based Human Resource Practices for Global Competitiveness Currency: The information is related to the topic (N.A, C.R.A.P. Test). The journal has been published in the last 5 years i.e. 2012. It has recent practices used and explanations of using EBHRP with practical examples Relevancy:Yes, the information is applicable to the topic of evidence based management your topic It is a secondary source. 50% of the information is applicable to the topic. The information has given in-depth details on evidence based HR management. Authority:There are two authors named David E. Terpstra WanthaneeLimpaphayom who have written the research, and the information is reliable. There are two authors who have contributed in the journal It is an organization It is a part of International Journal of Business and Management Yes, the methods/references are provided It has peer-reviewed articles Purpose:The purpose is to show that EBHRP are used widely. The intended audiences are the multinational companies with having presence globally. The information intended to persuade the audience to use EBHRMP. Yes, the authors have reviewed several journals and have expressed enough interest in the topic to get some new ideas and opinions. Additional Questions for Online Sources: The domain is .edu The CCSENET is the publisher and information is little bit difficult to find. It has been updated in 2012. The source does not have any advertisements or other distractions It could be considered as a proof. CRAP test for Journal 2: Relationship between Strategic Human Resource Management and Firm Performance Currency: The information is related to the topic. The journal has been published in the last 5 years i.e. 2012. It has recent example of one of the corporate house of Kenya. Relevancy:Yes, the information is applicable to the topic of evidence based management. It is a secondary source 50% of the information is applicable to the topic. The information has given in-depth details on strategic value of Human resource in business management. Authority:There are three authors named as Miss Esther Wangithi Waiganjo, Prof. Elegwa Mukulu, and James Kahiri who have contributed in writing the research paper. Also, the information is reliable There are three authors who have contributed in the journal It is a part of International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Yes, the methods/references are provided It has peer-reviewed articles Purpose:The purpose is to show the significance of strategic Human Resource Management in corporate organizations. The intended audiences are the multinational companies with having presence globally. The information intended to inform the audience Yes, the authors have reviewed several journals and have put in enough interest in the topic to get some newer ideas and opinions. Additional Questions for Online Sources: The domain is .com The International Journal of Humanities Social Studies is the publisher and information is little bit difficult to find. It has been updated in 2012 The source does not have any advertisements or other distractions It could be considered as a strong evidence for all the organizations globally. Conclusion Based on all the discussions on various perspectives for the evidence based Human resource management, we can draw conclusions that the Evidence based HR practices can be described in a particular style where the HR professionals makes decision by utilizing the best evidences, proficiency, capabilities standards (Briner, 2013). The nature of information should be more of analytical in nature. The idea is to make the policies more effective and contributive to success projectile on the organization. The information that should be used to inform practice should be based on the current AS-IS state, state of the art statistics, important data facts and data analytics. The core element of the evidence based approach is considered as the avoidance of the intuitive based responses or no-evidence based responses. They are certainly avoided as part of nature of the information used to inform practice because in the long run, they tend to result in poor outcomes. As we try to draw conclusions, the above article explains the importance of EBHRP to improve the overall growth projectile of global operations of the organization. The nature of the information used to inform practice should be very specific and fact based to derive conclusions on the strategic decisions. References Alhussain, T. (2014, March 24). Evidence-Based Human Resource Management. Retrieved March 5, 2017 Briner, R. (2007). Is HRM evidence-based and does it matter? . Retrieved March 5, 2017, from Briner, R. B. (2013). Evidence-Based HR Management : what is it and is it really happening yet? University of Brighton. Caroll, P. (2015, October 12). What's the evidence for... Evidence-based HR? Retrieved March 5, 2017, from (2016). About us. Retrieved March 5, 2017, from N.A. (2012, January 3). Evidence Based Human Resource Management. Retrieved March 5, 2017, from N.A. (n.d.). C.R.A.P. Test. Retrieved March 5, 2017, from Siengthai, S., Srinivasan, V. (n.d.). HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT: TRENDS AND EMERGING CHALLENGES . Emerald Publishing. Terpstra1, D. E., Limpaphayom2, W. (2012, June 16). Using Evidence-Based Human Resource Practices for Global Competitiveness. International Journal of Business and Management, 7(12). (Dear student, you can download file from this link, I have even attach the pdf for review) Waiganjo, E. W., Mukulu, E., Kahiri, J. (2012). Relationship between Strategic Human Resource Management and Firm Performance of Kenyas Corporate Organizations. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 2(10), 62-71.

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